The dynamics of the average sex life for healthy males are primarily linked to the size of their penises. Studies have conclusively shown that males endowed with bigger penises are more successful in their sex lives. First, they manage to pick up and bed more women. Second, women are more satisfied with their performance. This does not mean that all men whose penises are smaller are less successful. For sure, some of them are very active in their sex lives, but the number of such men is low.
It seems that most of the men with bigger penises are more confident in their own power of seduction and in their performance in bed. Confidence is one of the keys to a successful sex life and is considered by many women to be the most important feature in a man, aside from the physical endowment. One could say that confidence is an adjunct of penis size in the game of attraction. If you don't have the confidence you can get it with different products.
While not everybody is willing to spend money and time following a proven penis enlargement program, many people are still interested in getting a boost for their bedroom sessions. This article will provide details on a couple of natural ways of improving your bedroom performance using herbal products.
One of the best-known herbal products that can help in such cases is Ginseng. This plant is a cornerstone of the Chinese traditional medicine and also saw extensive use in the by Native Americans over many centuries, although this fact is less known. Ginseng is a highly prized adaptogen, which is the name given to products that manage to increase the body's resistance to stress without draining it's energy. The plant is also used as a vasodilator and stimulant and the roots known as Red Ginseng are used to stimulate the sexual functions.
Another good stimulant is the extract from Kola nuts. The substance is used mainly as brain food and in order to replenish depleted energy reserves. However, it can also keep you going through the night You could couple this with B complex, which is known to increase energy and protein metabolism, hormone function, circulation, healthy nerves, and stamina.
Damiana is a plant that has been used in the United States as aphrodisiac and booster of sexual activity since the 19th century. Damiana is an excellent remedy for strengthening the nervous and hormonal system. It has a history of use during depression and anxiety, particularly when influenced by sex-related factors.
A word of caution: stay away from herbal products containing yohimbe or ephedra. These two substances are known to be strong stimulants, but they also interfere with the cardiovascular system. Low doses of yohimbe or ephedra are unlikely to hurt you if you are young and healthy, but it is much safer to refrain from using these substances altogether.
Many people are interested in herbs these days, and there's a lot to learn about them. Books, magazine articles, blogs, health newsletters all routinely carry informative articles about herbs. They add flavor to food and they can also promote health.
There is so much information to absorb on this topic that it's a good idea not to worry about learning everything there is to know all at once. In ancient cultures, the healers, or medicine people, spent their entire lives studying to be expert practitioners of herbal medicine.
Some of us have our first exposure to herbs in the kitchen. We love the distinct flavor or cilantro in Mexican food, the oregano, thyme and garlic in many Italian dishes, the aroma and sharp taste of curry when we sample Indian cuisine, and rosemary paired with leg of lamb. The cuisine of cultures worldwide developed around the herbs available to the people cooking there. The variety is astounding, and now as cultures around the globe are in greater communication than ever, and people are crossing borders in great numbers, more and more people are being exposed to new flavors through herbs.
Herbal remedies are one of the best ways to overcome sickness and health problems. Traditional cultures also still use herbs as medicines. They don't have access to all-night pharmacies like industrialized nations do. But even industrialized nations depended on many herbs before the development of antibiotics in the 20th century. They proved to be so effective, many folk remedies fell by the wayside. People didn't think it was important anymore to learn about herbs and how effective they can be in helping us resist and treat disease.
Now, however, people are getting more interested in herbal remedies. Overuse of antibiotics has caused antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria to develop, which frightens many. We've actually learned that many of our common medicines, even aspirin, are derived from traditional healing sources.
Western cultures are also increasingly interested in eastern healing modalities, especially Chinese herbal medicine and Indian ayurveda medicine. These have been practiced for thousands of years. People who enter these healing professions need to learn a lot about herbs, their attributes and uses. They do it, of course, one herb at a time.
If you're new to the study of herbs. Here's an interesting one to know. Astragalus is a herb in the Chinese medicinal pantheon. Your acupuncturist probably knows a lot about its properties and uses. It is said to be an immune booster and energy builder. It is often prescribed by practitioners of Chinese medicine alone or blended with other immune and energy enhancing herbs such as ginseng and echinacea.
About the Author
If you are interseted in learning more about Herbs, Herbal Remedies, or Herbal Supplements please visit us at
Woman's Reproductive Health
Female hormonal health is not just related to menstruation and menopause - it is a matter of lifelong well-being and longevity.
While a great number of women in our culture develop some kind of sexual reproductive organ dysfunction, most are misled about true sexual and reproductive health and what options exist to achieve it. People tend to think of women's "hormone problems" as starting in midlife with the onset of menopause. In fact, a dysfunctional pattern can begin during adolescent years or even before birth. The severity of hormonal problems may increase with age, but it is not aging per se that is the root of declining health. It is most often the cumulative physiological effects of stress that cause disruption of the natural rhythms and balancing mechanisms of women's hormones (see Quick Definition), thereby eventually compromising overall health as well as sexual and reproductive health.
Quick Definition - Sex and stress hormones are chemical messengers formed in endocrine organs and certain body tissues and then carried in the blood to other areas of the body. Depending on how specific their effects, hormones can alter either the functional activity or the structure of one or more organs. Synthetic hormones are different from naturally occurring hormones; they are structurally altered (so as to be patentable).
Allopathic (conventional) medical thinking fails to look for or treat the root causes of women's hormonal imbalances. For example, more young women today are experiencing infertility because they are not ovulating, yet they are being given fertility drugs like Clomid without comprehensive hormonal evaluations. Though these women often succeed in conceiving, they generally end up paying a price for short-sighted symptom management. The future health consequence is that other symptoms will appear and hormonal imbalance will progress.
Similarly, women are led to believe that it is normal to experience distressing menopausal symptoms. They anticipate having to accept the conventional treatment choice of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with synthetic hormones. Women are encouraged to do this in spite of the fact that estrogen supplementation places them at risk for breast cancer and other serious health problems. HRT and fertility drugs -- as well as birth control pills and other hormonal therapies -- were all designed to treat only specific symptoms with no regard for the effects they have on the entire body. Because of this non-holistic approach, we are seeing an increase in the incidence of not only breast cancer and sexual reproductive organ dysfunctions but also uterine and ovarian cancer.
Another problem with conventional HRT is that it generally employs the wrong forms of estrogen and progesterone. Synthetic estrogens or the estrogens that are excreted in pregnant mare urine are often used. And of the three estrogen hormones (estradiol, estriol and estrone) found in women's bodies, most conventional pharmaceutical products use only estradiol. Many HRT formulas also contain synthetic progestin (as opposed to natural progesterone), which is included to help balance the effects of synthetic estrogen. Yet an artificial hormone cannot function in concert with another artificial hormone to create balance in the body. Worse, these HRT formulas ignore the increasingly common wisdom that it is progesterone deficiency -- not estrogen deficiency -- that leads to early or difficult menopause and many other health problems affecting women.
A lot of women are discovering that conventional HRT does not give them the overall health and well-being they had hoped for, and they are seeking out healthier alternatives. What everyone will hopefully soon realize is that menopausal and sexual reproductive problems are actually symptoms of overall hormonal imbalances. Women need to get a complete picture of their hormonal status and find appropriate therapeutic steps to maintaining balance.
Meanwhile, millions of women continue to experience dysfunctions such as PMS, depression, decreased libido, fibrocystic breasts, food and sugar cravings, uterine fibroids, irregular or excessive uterine bleeding and endometriosis (see Quick Definition below). Those whose dysfunctions are extremely painful or debilitating are told that their "health is more important than their reproductive organs" and that "a hysterectomy would be the best thing." Unbelievably, an estimated trillion-plus dollars was spent during the twentieth century to remove women's reproductive organs. Hysterectomy now out-numbers almost all types of surgery performed in the U.S.
Reproductive organs play an important role in more than reproduction. Many studies show that each aspect of the female sexual anatomy serves an integral part in the health and well-being of the entire body. Each function is part of the whole, part of a system, or symphony, of interrelated parts and timing. g.
Women are rarely cautioned about this kind of fetal stress before or during their pregnancies. Nor are they told how the developing baby's adrenal glands will enlarge to meet the mother's demand for additional stress hormones. A baby born in this state of secondary hyper-stimulation produces too much stress hormone. While the baby's adrenal glands can eventually decrease their output, the glands will tend to reinflate more easily -- like a balloon -- every time extreme demands are made upon them.If severe or chronic stress persists, however, hyper-stimulation continues. As the baby grows and matures into an adult, this maladaptive cycle will be perpetuated, causing her sex hormones to be routed from her reproductive system and used for her own stress purposes.
Note, however, that "normal" (negative) results from conventional laboratory diagnostic tests do not always mean normal function. Some tests do not reveal serious existing conditions, others are not able to detect borderline conditions. One example is thyroid testing, which cannot indicate how well thyroid hormone (T3) is able to bind to target cells, a thyroid condition that can be caused by high levels of estrogen. Woman suspecting hormonal imbalances or experiencing distressing symptoms should discuss testing with a healthcare practitioner.
Overall though, this is an excellent summary of a natural perspective on how the hormone axis becomes imbalanced.
About the Author
Chris Shipley is an Independent Health Researcher
Anxiety - Questions Asked By Concerned Canditates
What is anxiety is a question asked by many people who tend to feel confused when trying to decipher the difference between this illness as it is seen and that of others. Is anxiety an illness - is it an ailment or is it a disorder - yes anxiety is classed as all three. Different stages denote whether it is an illness or a disorder.
For the severe cases that show signs of stress which is escalating out of control is a sure way of telling that the patient is suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety gives out a feeling of uneasiness. At some stage in a persons life there will have been times where they have experienced the discomfort of anxiety with anxious moments. Moments like this can arise when faced with dilemmas otherwise seen as stressful situations, for example before going for a job interview - sitting for an exam or during that of a worrying time through illness.
Most questions asked once again by concerned candidates is it normal to feel anxious when faced agains`t something difficult or dangerous, yes everyone can suffer from anxious bouts - it is not an unusual response to stressful situations. It has been known to improve performance in some cases
However, in the UK the one in ten people that suffer from anxiety are cases of severity where the anxiety interferes with their normal daily lifestyle. Excessive anxiety is notably directed or associated with many other psychiatric conditions, like depression. Anxiety is without doubt considered abnormal when the signs or symptoms hang around longer than necessary - in other words prolonged. Another strong cause behind prognosis of severity is when the anxiety bouts develop to a stage where it takes hold over on how you live your life - once again meaning how it interferes with day to day activities.
If this being the case then those anxious events is classed as an anxiety disorder - where medical treatment is needed
The physical symptoms of anxiety are identified by how the brain sends signals to other parts of the body preparing for a fight or flight reaction. The human brain releases stress hormones, which includes adrenaline. Common symptoms that can occur are: abdominal discomfort, rapid heartbeat or palpitations, dizziness, diarrhoea, shortness of breath, dry mouth, tightness or pain in chest, frequent urination or finding it difficult to swallow.
Anxiety is seen as the culprit when a mental health problem is recognised, such as depression, alcohol abuse, personality disorder, even withdrawal from the long-term use of drugs or tranquillisers.
The signs to look out for when psychological anxiety is present are: inability to concentrate, fear of madness, insomnia, irritability or anger - even the common feeling of discomfort where loss of control of your actions is evident - which is a familiar symptom high on the list of the psychological side. Some types of anxieties are closely associated with physical illnesses which - can be a thyroid disorder. If treatment takes place for whatever the diagnosed illness is, then the anxiety can improve over time.
If at any time that you or a member of the family even a close friend are showing signs of stress related concerns then please consult with your doctor - especially before buying over the counter medication.
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There is another most important element with regard to having healthy hair, and that is Zinc.
Zinc is responsible for the following important factors:
The production of cells
The growth and repair of tissues
The maintenance of all oil secreting glands in the scalp.
There is another equally important role which zinc plays, and that is in the formation of collagen and protein synthesis. The logical conclusion which can be drawn from this is that when it comes to hair maintenance and the prevention of dandruff zinc deficiency can be on of the reasons for problems in this area. It is not widely known in the community that most Americans have a deficiency in zinc.
When it comes to good sources of zinc most animal origin foods are okay, but seafood, including oysters are particularly good. Eggs and milk also contain zinc, but it must be said it is found in much smaller quantities. Nuts,legumes and natural grains also contain zinc, but this is of a different type than that found in animal sources and is not easily utilised by the body. There is one contradiction to this and that is that oats are a very good source of zinc and are also easily utilised.
The majority of animal origin foods, with particular emphasis on meats,fish,milk,cheese,eggs and yogurt all contain protein. Broadly speaking diets in the Western world contain sufficient protein and it is therefore not necessary for the average person to eat additional protein. Despite the fact that hair is made of protein it is completely false to believe that excessive protein intake will improve hair growth. On the contrary , it is likely to cause other health problems.
There are nine essential amino acids in complete proteins and this creates somewhat of a problem for vegeterians as they are mostly found in animal origin foods. Vegetables,seeds,nuts,grains and legumes all contain protein but it is not in the same form necessary for a healthy body. Soybeans are the only common non-meat source for complete protein. Fortunately tofu and texturised vegetable protein (TVP) have been made from soybeans and this enables them to be made into various dishes. Vegetarians can of course eat a wide variety of vegetables and so obtain all the essential amino acids from these sources.
It is quite some time now since sheep farmers found that iodine depleted soil and consequently vegetation had an adverse effect on the growth of wool in sheep.Iodine is also essential in the growth of our hair. It is quite common to find , and it is generally accepted that table salt has iodine synthetically added but unfortunately this form of iodine is capable of causing iodine overload as it is not easily assimilated into the body. It is worth noting here that the thyroid may be adversely affected by any excess of iodine in the body.
A natural conclusion to be drawn from these facts is that it is always better to retrieve your iodine from completely natural food sources. Seaweed,seafood,lima beans,salmon,eggs,molasses,watercress,garlic and potatoes with the skin on are good natural sources.
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust , the second being the trace element silica, which is a form of silicon. Due to the manner in which our food is processed and our soil depleted by chemical treatments so often trace minerals are lost and consequently they are rarely found in Western diets. The trace mineral silica is important to hair growth, but it vital to the strength of hair. It will not necessarily stop hair from falling out from the follicle, but it will certainly prevent hair breakage. It slows the aging process by the stimulation of cell metabolism and formation.
Rice,oats,lettuce,parsnips,asparagus,onions,leek,cabbage,strawberries,cucumber,sunflower seeds,rhubarb are particular foods which are rich in silica. It is worthy of note that a lot of these foods are found in Asian diets and the result of this is that Asians have strong and healthy hair. To try and maintain an acceptable level of trace minerals Americans should attempt to source foods which are organically grown.This will at least go a part of the way to solving the problems created by soil depletion. Whenever possible these foods should be eaten uncooked and with rice it should be used unwashed as trace minerals can quite easily be lost in the cooking and washing process
Herbal nutrition supplement anti-aging health benefits - is it possible that an anti-aging herbal nutrition supplement can slow the aging process? Absolutely! Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still discovering the wide-ranging health benefits of many herbs and nutrients.
A healthy lifestyle includes having a sensible diet with nutritional supplements, adequate quality sleep, reasonable exercise and weight management. And slowing down the aging process includes providing your body all the nutrients it requires. Taking a high-quality, broad-spectrum vitamin/mineral/nutrition supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have.
Vitamins and minerals are only the beginning. Your body needs and will use a wide array of herbal nutrition supplement nutrients that have been proven to have specific health benefits. Here are examples:
1. Bilberry Extract - improves eye health and night vision. Clinical tests confirm that the herbal nutrition supplement bilberry is effective in treating eye diseases such as cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and myopia.
2. Cranberry Extract - used for prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections and type 2 diabetes.
3. Ginger Extract - may be beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, morning sickness, nausea, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, gastro intestinal disorders, hay fever, HIV support, low back pain, migraines and rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Gingko Biloba Extract - this herbal nutrition supplement promotes mental clarity and concentration, increases alertness and short-term memory and is used in cardiac protection formulas. It offers significant protection against the development of Alzheimer's disease, hearing loss and strokes.
5. Green Tea Extract - may be helpful in improving cognitive performance, treating stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches. Green tea may be beneficial in reducing the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and gastric cancer. May be beneficial to maintain remission in persons with Crohn's disease, to prevent Parkinson's disease and help protect against heart disease, dental caries and kidney stones.
6. Guggulipid Extract - is used for arthritis, lowering high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, nodulocystic acne, skin diseases and weight loss.
7. Hawthorne Berry Extract - used for cardiovascular conditions such as congestive heart failure and coronary circulation problems and to treat both low and high blood pressure.
8. Mahonia Grape Extract - this herbal nutrition supplement is used to treat acne, chronic constipation, colds, flu, eczema, gallbladder conditions, dysentery, malaria, parasites, psoriasis and urinary tract infections.
9. Olive Leaf Extract - used for fungus and yeast infections, frequent colds, asthma, vaginal yeast infections, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, bacterial infections, herpes, AIDS, chronic fatigue, flu and colds.
10. Tumeric Extract - may be beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis, bursitis, genital herpes, hepatitis, HIV support, low back pain and osteoarthritis.
Should you take each herbal nutrition supplement individually? When trying to design your own supplement plan, it's easy to end up with a dozen or more individual supplements to take daily, which is both a hassle and expensive. Besides, if certain substances are out of balance, they can combine to produce other unwanted compounds that can be harmful.
Also, women need a different formula than men. A woman's herbal nutrition supplement product should contain nutrients proven by clinical studies to support the balancing of female hormones. For example, red clover is used for menopausal symptoms, hot flashes and cyclic breast tenderness. A men's product should contain ingredients that support healthy male prostate like saw palmetto that is used for symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), improving sexual vigor and stimulating hair growth.
Learn as much as you can about what finding the best herbal nutrition supplement really means. Your health, energy and wellness is the issue. Before spending your money, be informed about the products you'll be taking every day.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
About the Author
Read more about the best vitamins and supplements at - David Buster is VP of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of natural health articles, reliable sources of nutritional supplements and related health resources.
A. What is acne?
Acne is the medical word used to describe anything from the occasional blemish through the entire spectrum of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules and large cysts.
Acne is a skin condition that occurs when excess oil (sebum) production combined with dead skin cells clog your pores. Then, bacteria forms in the clogged pores resulting in red inflamed pimples, pus filled whiteheads, or blackheads.
Acne is extremely common. So common that it's considered a normal part of growing up. If you're a teenager or a young adult, then chances are that you had or have some form of acne.
If you have acne, then it is important that you breakdown and understand its cycle. Below are some facts that you should be aware of.
How does acne begin?
Acne affects about 80% of all adolescents. Acne begins with the inflammation of tiny oil-producing glands in the skin. These glands are called Sebaceous glands and produce an oil named “sebum”. Sebum is responsible for keeping the skin and skin hair supple and healthy. During puberty, sebaceous glands grow and produce more sebum due to an increase in Androgen hormones. This may also occur in early adulthood rather than in your teens.
What is an oil gland?
Sebaceous glands are attached at the base of each hair follicle. Hair Follicle Diagram.The process of inflammation is contributed to by changes in the skin which lines the hair follicle. During puberty and young adulthood, the skin cells of the hair follicle lining shed more quickly, in clumps, and are sticky, and this is a main contributor to the clogging of pores. The blocked, oil filled follicle also contain a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (normally present) which multiplies once trapped within a pore and results in redness, inflammation, and a pustule.
Where does acne occur?
Acne occurs in areas where sebaceous glands are most plentiful. Namely, the face, back, chest, shoulders an even the upper arms. Sebaceous glands enlarge during teenage years.
Keep in mind as well that during puberty, your skin will also thicken, causing more skin cells to shed and clog your pores more frequently and your Sebaceous Glands will enlarge. This is due to a natural selection process that still exists in our genetic makeup so that our skin would be able to withstand the elements: heat, sun or cold.
Who gets Acne?
Acne begins at puberty, but is not restricted to any age group or sex. It’s more frequent among teenagers and young adults in their late 20’s but can affect people all the way into their 40’s. Acne can clear up on its own but may take several years and lead to scarring. You can prevent scarring and control your acne using the many treatments available today. To view a list of treatments we’ve researched that may help you, click here.
B. What causes acne?
There are three basic elements that can cause acne. Keep in mind that everyone is made different so the cause of acne may differ from one person to the next.
Between your teenage years and young adulthood, your body’s hormone production is the most active. The increase in androgen hormones (namely testosterone) is what causes your sebaceous glands to over-produce sebum (oil) which is why many teenagers and young adults have oily skin. In some cases, this increase in androgens can continue into your late 20’s or early 30’s.
Plugged pores
When the duct of the oil gland (sebaceous gland) or the pore becomes blocked by skin cells, this leads to the production of comedones (whiteheads or blackheads). Comedones are caused by these blocked pores which prevents the natural flow of oil (sebum) out of your pore. Some individuals over-produce skin cells which then block the pores in the skin and cause comedones.
Within everyone’s skin pores, there is a bacteria present called Propionibacterium acnes (P. Acnes for short). Once your pore gets blocked, the P. Acnes bacteria will infect the sebaceous gland as well as the pore. P.Acnes thrives on the sebum which is now blocked within the pore creating a large infection within. The depth and intensity of the infection will determine weather the infection creates just a classic pimple or is the cause of a cyst or nodule, which is a deeper and more severe infection that can cause scarring.
Macules and Scars:
Before I jump into the topic of scars, I need to clarify the difference between Macules and Scars. Macules may look like scars, but they are not scars in the sense that a permanent change has occurred. Macules are essentially the final stage of most inflamed acne lesions. They are normally flat, reddish spots that can remain for up to 8 months. But the difference between a Macule and a scar is that a Macule will end up disappearing completely whereas a scar will remain for years or indefinitely.
As for scars, this can also vary from person to person. With some individuals, scars may remain for a lifetime without change but with others, their skin will undergo a form of remodeling that will eventually diminish the scar.
Another factor that needs to be evaluated is the human element of scarring. People simply have different feelings about acne scars. Those who are distressed about their acne scars are much more likely to actively seek out treatment to moderate or remove the scar than those who are more indifferent about the scars.
Cause of Scars:
Let us first gain a better understanding of acne scars by first determining the cause of scars. A scar is a mark left in the skin by the healing of a wound or surgical incision in which the normal functional tissue (skin) is replaced by connective tissue (scar). In the case of acne, the lesion is caused by the body’s inflammatory response to sebum, bacteria and dead cells that are trapped in the plugged sebaceous follicle.
When your skin tissue has suffered a lesion of some sorts, your body will attempt to heal the injured site. It does so by increasing the white blood cells in the area along with an array of inflammatory molecules whose function is to repair the damaged tissue and fight infection. In the end, the repair job can be messy, and the site of the lesion is now filled with fibrous scar tissue or eroded tissue. As for the inflammatory molecules and white blood cells, they can remain at the acne lesion for days and even weeks.
Take note of the fact that not everyone functions in the same way, and this holds true with our skin as well. Some people are simply more prone to scarring than others.
Treatment for scars:
Bear in mind that treating acne and treating acne scars are two completely different things. Treating your acne has nothing to do with treating an acne scar. Acne scars can indeed be treated, but it is important that an acne sufferer bring their acne condition under control first if they still suffer from moderate to severe acne.
Once your acne subsides, make an appointment with a dermatologist and discuss the methods (if applicable) of scar treatment(s) he/she recommend you undergo to treat your scars. Keep in mind that there are many methods with which you may treat your scars. These methods vary according to your scar type, size and location, type of skin, and of course, money $$$. All this should be discussed in great detail with your dermatologist.
Before undergoing scar treatment, ask yourself the following questions before having your dermatologist undergo the decided procedure(s).: Are you willing to wait and see if the scars will subside on their own with time? Do your acne scars affect you emotionally and socially? Is your scarring substantial enough to warrant scar treatment? Can you afford the treatment or what treatment options can you afford?
Keep in mind, the objective of scar treatment is not to necessarily rid you of all indications of scars by completely restoring your skin. It very much depends on the severity of your scars, your skin type, your skins ability to regenerate, etc. Significant improvements can definitely be achieved, but complete restoration is often impossible.
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